Meet the Musician Mondays - Michael Melnik

Season Opening Concert Countdown: 5 DAYS!

For #MusicianMondays, we're celebrating the symphonic innovation of Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique with its dual timpani parts, and we'll be featuring our second timpani player, Michael Melnik! Read about him below, and come see us play the Berlioz at our concert this Saturday at 7PM!

Michael recently joined the CSO in 2023 as Assistant Timpanist and Personnel Manager after finishing his Masters of Music at the Frost School of Music in Miami last Spring. He loves all things music and especially loves percussion and audio production. Michael is excited to play the 2nd Timpani part in Berlioz's Symphony Fantastique as it is quite rare to have a piece featuring two timpanists. Michael is originally from Glastonbury, CT and currently teaches percussion and audio production at CT Band in Stratford, CT and at his private studio in Hebron, CT. When he is not doing something musical Michael enjoys reading, hiking up mountains, writing, and gaming. For more information about Michael please visit his website,


Meet the Musician Mondays - Kevin Kinsall


Guest Conductor Spotlight: Jeff Spenner